Weekly Fishing Reports — Fishing With Bernie

Middle Park area fishing report 6-27-16


Surface temp 62 at 6AM. By late afternoon temp climbed to 68. Lake trout are slow today. Small numbers of 3 to 4 year old Salmon are being caught trolling. Bank fishing for rainbow is slow. With the warmer lake temps Pike are starting to show more aggressive interest in following lures, but the bite is slow. Randy has been fishing trophy pike at Williams Fork for 28 years.


Grand Lake fishing has been best early and late in the day. Water temp is 49 degrees in the morning warming to low 50’s by the afternoon. There is lots of water coming into the lake bringing lots of debris.  Keep an eye out, I have seen whole logs partially submerged, floating all over the lake. Browns and rainbows are still hitting the in the shallow parts of the lake and where there is moving water during the low light periods.  The lake trout are working their way deeper by the day as the water warms but are still active and biting well. Have fun and stay safe! - Dan Shannon, Guide for Fishing with Bernie


Lake Granby's water temp is in the mid 60's. Rainbows are still being caught early and late in the day in the grass and near moving water. Browns are caught early around running water. Lake trout are scattered around the lake starting at about 40', we caught them last week as deep as 90'. Fish are migrating looking for comfortable water temps and food. The early and late periods are best for all species in the area but they will eat if your lure/bait is presented carefully. Bernie has been guiding the middle park area for over 20 years. Please checkout www.fishingwithbernie.com or Facebook "Fishing with Bernie" for more information.

Lake Granby are fishing report for 6-19-16

Williams Fork is full and starting to settle down. Lake surface temp is hitting mid 60's in the bays on a sunny day. Fishing is slow for all species except lake trout. A few Kokes are being caught by trollers. Bank fishing for trout is slow but some are being caught. Pike are moving into the shallows to sun mid day. They can be seen in all bays. Some are following lures but are not aggressively hitting yet. Fly fisherman are catching a few. Lure angling is slow. Best bet is slow moving suspending lures.

Grand Lake's water temp is approaching 50 degrees, fishing has been good with the best bite for browns and rainbows occurring at sunrise and sunset for fish cruising in the shallows around the inlet areas.  The lake trout have been active and feeding throughout the day, but are working their way deeper toward their summer patterns as the water warms up. Great time of the year to be on the water, keep in mind we are in our summer weather pattern with afternoon winds and thunderstorms often with lightning occurring almost everyday,  plan accordingly, have fun and be safe!

Lake Granby's water temp is in the low 60's. Rainbows are still being caught early and late in the day in the grass and near moving water. Lake trout are scattered around the lake starting at about 40', we caught them last week as deep as 80'. The early and late periods are best for all species in the area but they will eat if your lure/bait is presented carefully.

Bernie has been guiding the middle park area for over 20 years. Please checkout www.fishingwithbernie.com .

Lake Granby are fishing report for 6-4-16

This middle park fishing report is brought to you by "Fishing with Bernie". Crank baits are working well during lowlight conditions for browns and a few rainbows. Worms and power bait are still catching lots of rainbows and a few suckers along the shorelines. Lake trout continue their migration into deeper water, and can be caught with a variety of soft plastics, spoons and crank baits tipped with a small piece of sucker meat. The Northern pike at Williams Fork are still slow but the bite should be getting better in the afternoons as the water warms. The CPW is offering a $20 bounty on any pike caught at Green mountain reservoir. Bring the fish over to Heeney marina along with your drivers license and fishing license to collect.


Lake Granby are fishing report for 6-2-16

As the water temps continue to climb the trout are still very aggressive. Browns are crushing minnow baits fished along the rocks.

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